
 Muku Shuttr 無線遙控快門 手機自拍好幫手









Muku Shuttr是一款兼容iOS、與Android手機作業系統的無線遙控快門配件,甚至是平板電腦也可使用。

常見的自拍照都會出現不少問題,例如:目標太近令畫面嚴重變形、伸長手臂進行拍攝時手部入鏡、拍攝距離只可以是手部可以觸及手機屏幕/ 快門的地方等,限制相當之多。不過配合 Muku Shuttr 使用,使用者不但可以在旅遊時拍攝更廣角的相片、團體照,只要隨身帶備腳架便可以輕鬆進行自拍。此外,透過 Muku Shuttr 用戶更可以進行較長時間的曝光而不怕「手震」,即使是自拍夜景照亦不用假手於人,超迷你設計亦比起帶同大型專業的相機更加方便呢!


Compatibility List


Shuttr works on all IOS 5.0+ devices (current IOS version is 7) with a camera on it. i.e. iPhone 5s/5c/5, iPhone 4S/4, iPad 3/2, iPad mini, iPad with Retina Display, iPod touch 4th generation or above. Shuttr works with the camera app of iOS. Just pair it up and shoot right the way.


NO APP NEEDED for Samsung Galaxy S4, S3, Note 3, Note 2, Note Tab 2, Note 8, 10.1. (Shuttr MAY NOT works with low-end or old Samsung model, including S2, Notes 1, S3 mini etc). Moto X, Droid 2, Nexus 4, 5, 7, 8 and all newer version with bluetooth 3.0+ and Android 4.1+
For Sony Xperia Z, HTC New One and X+, simply download the app "Shuttr Camera" from Google Play.


Video Mode 
Switch your native camera app to video mode and you can start taking videos with your Shuttr. Shuttr will sleep in 1-2 minutes if not used, so you might need to press twice to stop the video (once to reconnect from sleep model and a second time to stop the video).


Battery Life 
Battery life of up to two years if the Shuttr is turned off after use. The RC2025 battery can be replaced if/when necessary.


3rd Party Camera App Compatibility: 
Shuttr IS Compatible with the following iPhone Apps: Camera, Camera+, Hipstamatic, Fisheye Cam, 645 ProII, Pure Camera, Pixlromatic, Popstamatic, iDarkroom, Camera360, Duomatic, SlowShutter, TtV Camera, CrossProcess, Big Lens, Diptic, ShakeItPhoto, Vintagio, and Rawporter.






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